Should I buy an EV - Electric Vehicle in 2023?

Electric vehicles (EVs) are obviously becoming more popular than ever, and many automotive companies are now shifting production from internal combustion engines (ice) to EV. With increasing demand for EVs, many industry experts believe that in 2023 EVs will be more affordable for the average consumer. However, as with any significant investment, it is essential to do your research to determine if an EV is the right choice for you. In this blog, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of owning an EV to help you make an informed decision.

Advantages of an EV

  1. Lower operating costs: One of the most significant advantages of owning an EV is lower operating costs. Electric cars are cheaper to maintain than conventional cars. In general, an EV will cost around 50% less to operate than an internal combustion engine.
  2. Environmentally friendly: EVs produce no tailpipe emissions and are much cleaner than conventional cars. As a result, they are more environmentally friendly and contribute less to air pollution.
  3. Quiet and smooth: (My personal favorite) EVs are quiet and provide a smooth ride. This is because there is no engine noise and they have fewer moving parts. If you commute long distances, this is a major bonus!
  4. Range and charging infrastructureCharging infrastructure is improving rapidly, making it easier to find charging stations in more locations.
  5. Improved Battery Technology: EV technology is constantly improving, offering longer range, faster charging times, and improved battery longevity.
  6. Government Incentives: Check your state for incentives for owning an EV. These include federal and state tax rebates, reduced road tax, and possible other incentives.

Challenges of an EV

  1. Higher upfront costs: While this becoming less of a concern as manufacturers such as Kia release more EV options for buyers, the biggest disadvantage of electric cars right now is their upfront cost is typically more than a conventional vehicle due to the high cost of their battery and other electric components. However, we can expect these costs to decrease as production increases.
  2. Limited Charging Infrastructure: Although the charging infrastructure is continuously growing, some remote areas still have limited charging points.
  3. Range anxiety: While the range of EVs is improving, it can still cause anxiety for some drivers. This is because most EVs have a limited range of around 200-300 miles on a single charge.
  4. Charging time: Charging an electric car takes longer than filling up a fuel tank. Even the fastest chargers on the market require at least 30 minutes to achieve an 80% charge.


In conclusion, if you're considering buying an EV, it's worth exploring the advantages and challenges listed above. An EV can offer significant benefits, (for me, it’s the improved ride quality) including low operating costs, improved battery technology, and government incentives. However, an EV also has some challenges, such as the potential higher upfront costs and limited driving range.  As with any vehicle purchase, jump online, read reviews, and get out for test drives. There’s a lot of great options out there by a lot of manufacturers. 

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